Thursday, January 31, 2013

Little Kid

We brought the baby goat in last night and fed him a bit. The temp outside was freezing and Mommy Leia wasn't nursing.

This morning when Allen went to feed the chickens she yelled nice and loud letting us know she was ready to have her baby back. He took him(?) out and they thankfully started nursing and have been happily together for the rest of the day.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


So, this morning, after Cristy went to work, I was outside doing the chicken/goat food routine...

All was normal...

A few hours later, I notice Han outside the Goat House, and Leia laying down inside of it, which is rare, because they rarely go in there...

I went outside and heard Leia bleating with a panicked sound, so I went to investigate...

30 minutes later, Juliet and I, freezing, saw the baby goat being born!!!

Took the baby inside to clean it up, then back out to Momma!!! As soon as she heard the baby bleating, she ran to it and started licking its face!!!

Sex is still unknown, and still no name, but it is a cutie!!!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

After dinner treats.....

After dinner Allen made a fire and we roasted up some marshmallows for dessert.

The rub

Here's Allen giving Juliet a nice head massage after she got her pink-eye meds put in. She does not like those drops, but she sure likes those head rubs.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Giddy-up little horsey

Our neighbors rode their horses down to the house this afternoon. Juliet was so excited to be on the horse and to ride Red around our circle driveway a few times. Yee-Haw!

Just hanging out....

Yup, I did it

Found a little doggy sweater at the thrift store and couldn't resist getting it for Athena.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Thursday, January 10, 2013


Juliet winding down the night with a little Diego and eating pomegranate seeds.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Well, it's my first day as Mr. Mom...

I had a quiet day planned for Juliet and I, but things never go as planned...

Here's Juliet and Grandma G. in the hospital...

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Into the woods

Later in the afternoon we took a walk into our woods. Well we walked, Juliet hitched a ride.

Donut Day

While Allen went and got his new drivers license in nearby Salem, Juliet and I went to the local bakery and got some donuts. We hung out and ate them before checking out some stores in the square.

We had a fun morning together.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Sad faces and fun

Here's Juliet giving some sad faces because she did not want to say goodbye. She got in as much playtime as possible before he left though.

Hate Goodbye's

Today we had to say bye to Alex. We had such a wonderful visit and so enjoyed having him with us for the holidays. We tried as hard as we could to talk, bribe and in Juliet's case forcibly make him stay, but in the end we knew we had to let him get back home to family, friends and school.

We will miss you Alex and can't wait for your next visit!