Monday, February 25, 2013

Horse'n Around

Juliet is loving getting to ride Bud the horse. Mr. Chad walked them in a circle and Juliet kept asking to get out and go for a real ride. None of this circle business for our little cowgirl, she's ready to go :)

BFF's & Being Cute

Juliet and Emma having fun together.

Fun with friends

Yesterday our neighbors invited us over so the girls could play together. It was chilly but sunny out and after us all being sick for the past few weeks along with the recent ice storm, it was a welcome afternoon outside in the fresh air.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

So grown up

Juliet all dressed up for church this morning. She's looking so grown up!

Toddlers Dream Come True!

I cleaned out the freezer and needed to make some room. There wasn't much ice cream left so I told Juliet she could finish it up. She was in heaven!

Saturday, February 23, 2013


After being sick for the last few days, it was nice to wake up with an appetite. I decided Hello Kitty waffles and bacon were in order!

Ice Storm

We had an ice storm here a few days ago. Here's a few pictures I snapped on the way into work. It definitely took some time to defrost the car!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Belated Valentines

Juliet received her Valentines box from Papa & Grandma Thwing today. It's hard to see but she got some beautiful sparkly princess shoes, a necklace set and a brand new princess tiara.

Oh and the big hunk of chocolate next to her, that would be Grandmas famous fudge made with love.

Monday, February 18, 2013


Turns out, whenever I would pet one of the dogs, Luke would come and try and chase them away! Jealous?!?!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Helpful Princess

After sending Allen to bed (it's his turn to fight our family cold) I decided to try and get some cleaning done. Juliet decided she wanted to be a helpful princess and do dishes with me. It took me about 5 times longer and we got pretty wet, but she did a great job helping :)

Cruising the Barbie Isle

Took a quick trip to Jonesboro to do some shopping and stopped by Target. Made a quick detour to the toy section where Juliet enjoyed slowly looking at each item.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentines Love

Beautiful Day

When I arrived home this afternoon I noticed three patches of daffodils in the yard. They sprung up so fast, so pretty and nice to see signs of spring popping up.

After getting bundled up we went out to spend some time with the baby goat "Luke Skywalker". He's thriving, fun, really friendly and Juliet is determined to carry him like a cat!!!! (Repeated a hundred times, "Juliet, you put that poor Goat DOWN!" [insert Juliet's sad face and quivering lip here])

RIP Russell Crow

Unfortunately living on a homestead, sometimes things like this happen. This morning our Rooster Russell Crow was nowhere to be found, which is highly unusual. After inspecting the grounds later in the afternoon we found he had separated himself from the others so he could peacefully go to the big chicken coop in the sky.

You were a great and beautiful bird Mr. Crow. And though you will be replaced, you will not be forgotten.

Valentines Day Cards

The card I made for Juliet with a few treats, the card I made for Allen with some treats and the card Juliet made all by herself for Daddy.

Happy Valentines Day!

We hope each and every one of you has a wonderful Valentines Day.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Little Luke

He really could not be any cuter! Today I came home to find Allen spending some time with him. Allen put Luke down, and Luke ran up the wood ramp and jumped right back into his lap. When we headed back to the house Luke kept gently butting his head up against Allen's legs and cried out when we left him at the gate.

He is a real cutie and I think he's well on his way to being much more friendly than his parents.