Sunday, June 30, 2013

Sweet Goodness!

One of my favorite ladies from church just walked into my office and brought me this yummy-hot out of the oven chocolate chip pound cake! She said she wanted to do something for us knowing we had a lot of company coming. So.Darn.Sweet!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Sheep vs Kitten

The kittens are really brave and came out to the animal pen with us. The sheep like messing with them and started nibbling one one of their ears.
CAT: Stop touching me!
SHEEP: Whaaaaaaat, is this bothering you????? Baaaahaahahah!

Kitty Climber

Enjoying a cool morning.

Friday, June 28, 2013


Here's a picture of Juliet playing in the creek with the other kids at a Kingdom Kids play date, and pushing her own shopping cart helping Daddy buy some soda!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Rockin Out!

Juliet has been asking me or her own headphones. I bought these a while ago but held out giving them I her as long as I could. She loves them....and Mommy and Daddy love them too.....

The Vet

We had to take Kisa to the Vet yesterday. Juliet asked to go and here she is making friends wherever she goes :)

Hey little fella!

Checking the spider traps and found this decent size little scorpion....stuck but still alive.

Mr. Turtle

Sorry for the lack of posts lately. We're getting the homestead ready for my family to visit and it's been keeping us pretty busy.

Allen found this big turtle near the gate if the animal pen. We played with it for awhile, felt its shell, looked at Mr. Turtle all tucked inside, then we marked him and returned him back to the wild.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Hello Mr. Turtle!

Right in the middle of the drive. Had I get out and point him into the woods. Definitely turtle season around here.

Anniversary Dinner

Last night Allen and I got a babysitter, went out for an awesome BBQ dinner and then went and saw Man of Steel. Happy 5 year anniversary to us!!!!!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

More VBS Pictures

To see some amazing pictures from VBS yesterday, click the link below.  You'll see quite a few of Juliet in there!

Cristy W.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Winding down

Juliet needed to wind down a bit and asked if she could paint me a picture before bedtime. Hopefully she'll sleep well and be ready for her last swim lesson tomorrow.

All the kids!

More VBS

Yes, the little kids are pretending to eat food from a trough.

Some of the awesome decorations they put up.  

Juliet having fun with the animals and getting to ride a horse.  

Hay Day VBS

Our church held its annual Vacation Bible School today. We're all very tired but it was a great day and the kids had a blast.

Piggy balloons that we covered with dirt (shaving cream and cinnamon) and the kids got to spray down and wash clean.

My friend Mary and me manning the game table and our Minister Tommie Boles brought his horse for the kids.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day Daddy!

Last year we couldn't be together for Fathers Day so I made this video for Allen. I am so happy and feel so blessed to have him home with us for good, and after watching this video earlier, I wanted to share it one more time.

Happy Father's Day Allen, we love you!

Check out this video on YouTube:

Cristy W.

Sunday School project

This is a Sunday School project we did today for Fathers Day. It turned out so cute I had to share.

Happy Father's Day!

This morning I jumped out of bed, started the bacon and made my first attempt at apple crepes. They actually turned out pretty good!

Then Allen opened his card and laughed when he asked if I had written that he was "the most annoying Dad". That's when I realized my cursive writing needs some practice. The most AMAZING DAD!!!!! AMAZING DAD!!!!

To all the Dad's out there, especially my own Dad, Happy Father's Day. I hope you have a wonderful day.

Saturday, June 15, 2013


Juliet helping me wrap presents for Fathers day.  She actually did a great job helping (he was in charge of tape).  I like it now that she's getting older and can be a real little helper.  

Cristy W.

Ice Cream!

Juliet enjoying a giant ice cream yesterday after her swim lesson.

Friday, June 14, 2013