Monday, July 29, 2013

Sunday, July 28, 2013

To go...

One funnel cake to go and someone's getting sleepy.....nothing cotton candy can't fix! That'll keep her up for at least the next few hours.

More fair fun

County Fair

Took Juliet to our little county fair yesterday afternoon. Everyone kept telling me, "it's really small, not much to see." I told them "as long as there's funnel cake, I'm going!"

Juliet had a blast and I got funnel cake!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

First Day!

Juliet heading off to her first day of daycare/preschool.
She was so excited and couldn't wait to get into the building. They got her checked in, hands washed and in with the other kids. I practically had to beg for a hug & kiss goodbye as she was already making friends and ready for me to go.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, it's off to school we go....

Juliet is starting a new daycare/preschool tomorrow. She is so excited, here she is trying on her new backpack and she can hardly contain herself. I'm a little sad about her not being at home full time, but honestly, she's beyond ready and can't wait to go to "school" with the other kids.

I'm sure tomorrow she'll bound off with the other kids not giving us a second thought and Mommy will be the one dealing with separation anxiety.

Another milestone reached *sniffle*.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Farmers Market & Playground

We went to the Farmers Market and playground this morning. Juliet enjoyed listening to the bluegrass band that was playing and ran right up to them. After their song finished they circled around her and played Twinkle Twinkle Little Star while she sang. It was so cute!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Taking over!

Juliet "helping" me at work today. She kicked me out of my desk, told me I was the kid and keeps calling me Sweetie Pie!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Hanging with Daddy

Having a blast with Daddy!

Tired Girl

On our way home she wouldn't nap but enjoyed watching a movie using her Hello Kitty headphones.

Fun Morning

Yesterday we had to drive to the nearby town Batesville. They have a large Walmart with a small arcade that Juliet was dying to play in. I gave her a handful of quarters and let her go nuts. She tried out everything, some a few extra times :).