Saturday, September 28, 2013


Today we broke in our wood chopper....and it's AWESOME! This is all the wood we chopped in about an hour or so. Juliet watched from the porch with her ear protection on and gave us a big thumbs up!

Gonna be a warm winter! :)

Friday, September 27, 2013

Old video just for fun

Since I don't have anything new, I'll post some old stuff just for giggles.


Sorry there haven't been any new pictures lately. All of us have colds and I am transitioning to a new phone so it's been a little slow with postings. Keep checking back though, in a few days when we're all feeling better and I get the hang of my new camera, I'm gonna burn the blog up with pics! :)

Happy Friday Everyone!

Cristy W.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Happy Anniversary!

Happy Anniversary to my Mom & Dad, better known to us now as Grandma & Papa. We love you lots and hope you have a wonderful day!

Hugs, hugs & more hugs with lots of love,

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Cute As a cupcake

Juliet enjoying her new apron from Aunt Sue & Cousin Amy. We got an egg from Broody the chicken and she was so happy that it fit into her little pocket.

Cheetos Break

Cheetos break and some swing fun.

Park Day

Fall is definitely in the air. I took advantage of the cool morning, threw Juliet and her scooter in the car, grabbed our neighbors two kids and we headed to the park for some fun.

The girls traded off riding the bike and the scooter and then spent a good amount if time on the park equipment.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Rain, Rain, yea you're here!

Finally getting some rain again. Here's Juliet playing "statue" while I snap her pic :)

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Morning Hug

Juliet has been a bit camera shy lately so I haven't bee getting as many pics as usual. I was able to snap this one real fast during our morning hug before daycare. My sweet girl!

Monday, September 16, 2013

The Twins

One of the kittens actually caught a mouse and left it outside for us. Glad to see they're starting to understand what their job is!!!!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Nature Walk

Juliet and I on a nature walk the other day. She wanted to go did all our crazy animals!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Great Turtle Hunter

Jabba ran up from the river this morning, all wet with something in his mouth. Another turtle!!!!

I took it from him and placed it in the garden area (turtle sanctuary) hoping it will wander away before I get home.

Crazy dog, not sure what it is about turtles he loves so much!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Chocolate Face

Growing up so fast......

Happy Grandparents Day!

Happy Grandparents day to my lovely Grandma Shattuck. Also, to our parents for being such wonderful Grandparents to Juliet.

All our love,
CJA Wallis

Friday, September 6, 2013

Library Time

After school yesterday, I took Juliet to the library. We each got a library card and picked out some books for her to bring home.
Juliet loves her bedtime stores and now that she's 4, insists on 4 stories each night (which gets a little repetitive for Mommy & Daddy).


Here's Juliet with a few of her Sunday School classmates and then her yesterday before preschool showing me how much she's grown.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Another day, another turtle

On our way out (already late) Juliet pointed and yelled "TURTLE"! The poor guy was upside down in the middle of the driveway. Obviously Jabba had been using him for a chew toy (what is it with this dog and turtles?)

I put Juliet in the car to get buckled in and took Mr. Turtle out into the fenced garden area (where Jabba can't reach him). Hoping he can rest and then make his way to the forrest.

Juliet was worried he was injured but those turtles are pretty tough so I told her we would go check on him when we got home, and hopefully he will have moved on....hopefully.


Juliet has been pushing the limits of staying up late (keeping herself up by singing songs and talking to her stuffed animals). Usually she gets up on her own but this morning it finally hit her and she flat out refused to get up.

We were running pretty late, so I finally had to roll her out of bed and get her dressed right there so we could immediately leave.

So today we're gonna go rock daycare like it's 1989!