Saturday, December 27, 2014

Polar Bear & Sleep Overs

What appears to be a big wet polar bear in our floor, and Juliet and Emma enjoying a post-Christmas sleepover.

Craft Time

Juliet doing some sewing while I work on cleaning in my craft room. I think she's definitely going to take after Grandma Thwing in that department-the girl wants to sew everything :D

Fresh air and Barbie

Sunny Christmas

After presents and resting with the puppy, we went outside to enjoy the sunshine.

Happy Christmas

We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all our friends and family. We hope you have a wonderful day.

The Wallis'

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Zip Line

Tulip has done a great job this year keeping an eye on Juliet and reporting back to Santa. After tomorrow she'll be headed back to the North Pole to hang out with her Elf Friends until next year.

Thanks for all the fun Tulip!

With sprinkles

Santa Cookies

Juliet decided that Santa was getting Christmas Unicorn cookies this year.

Santa Card

Santa sent this card to Juliet all the way from the North Pole. In it, Santa mentions Tulip and her recently lost tooth. He said she's been a good girl this year and to keep it up, it's almost Christmas.

She was overjoyed to get this and is very excited for Christmas Eve and Christmas.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Big Brother Fun

Having fun torturing Big Brother, so he does a little torturing of his own.

Dog Sitting

Enjoying a tasty drink this afternoon while the dogs go crazy around me. We are dog sitting for a friend who's going out of town-what's one more dog to us ;D

He seems to be a sweet dog and is making friends with the others. He is however, a chicken chaser which is not good. We're keeping an eye one him and hoping within the next few days he'll be over it. Otherwise it's leash walks for him all week.

Puppy fishing

An easy way to play rug of war with the puppy and not get bit (she still has those sharp baby teeth!)

Tulip in snow

Tulip was found enjoying a bowl full of snow this morning (yes, she's wearing a plastic baggie because she doesn't want to get wet).