Friday, February 21, 2014

Happy Friday

Yesterday was really windy but still nice out so Juliet got to play outside for awhile before the wind got too unbearable. While she played, I spent some time with Jabba giving him some needed attention.

After a bit we went to see if the chickens left any eggs. It had been a few days since we got any and Juliet was again disappointed when she didn't find any in the nesting boxes. As I looked around, sure enough, they had made their own nest and we found 5 beautiful green eggs.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Not much going on right now so here are some random pics.

Juliet had her friend over recently and after a full evening of playing they decided to curl up in or bed to eat Popsicles and watch Spongebob.

Next, she's playing while we visit Allen at the gym he patrols during games.

Lastly, a pic of her with her now Dino cup she talked me into buying and then a cute snap this morning of her before going into preschool.

Friday, February 14, 2014

More Valentines.....

After she finally let go of her purple horse "Princess" she dug into the stuff hat Grandma and Papa Thwing sent. They spoiled her with lots of awesome stuff which I hope to be able to post about tonight, but she was intent in getting in the sparkly red shoes and awesome scarf...oh and of course dipping into the candy that they sent ;).

Well that's on happy girl! More pics later tonight after she gets home from her preschool Valentines a Day party.

Valentines Day Girl

Loving her new purple horsey. (If you know anything about Juliet, it's that she LOVES horses and LOVES purple).

She also got a little necklace and some REAL leather work gloves like a real cowgirl would wear.

Happy Valentines Day Everyone!

I have a few pics of Juliet to post from this morning but she was very excited so most of them are blurry or just streaks from her running back and forth.

I hope everyone out there has a wonderful day!

Happy Valentines Day,
The Wallis'

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Getting nice and dirty!


With the sun finally melting the ice into slush, Juliet wanted to go out and play. I was all for it, definitely in need of her burning off some energy and we could both use the fresh air.

Juliet was so excited to play in the slush and mud and be out with the animals and the animals were so excited to have us out there.

The sun is out!!!

The sun is out and the ice is's finally MELTING!!!

After two weeks of ice encasing our whole town, the sun is out and warming everything up.

After one stuck car in the driveway, frozen house pipes, a burst pipe at the well, Allen off for the last 13 days due to snow days, Juliet's daycare closed for snow days....we are more than ready for a bit of a break!

Like looking in a mirror

Kisa and Boba.....kind if like looking at their own reflections.


Juliet playing with a hula-hoop in my office last night.