Sunday, March 30, 2014

Cafe Set-up

At first glance these look a little weird. A cupcake topped with bacon? But the cupcake is an actual pancake and the bacon offsets the sweet maple icing. It wasn't just REALLY GOOD, they were REALLY REALLY REALLY GOOD!

Both items were a big hit and since I don't bake from scratch too often, I am feeling pretty proud of myself :)

Here's Juliet eating a treat and having some Juice before she goes to class.

Church Treats

Today I was in charge of baking breakfast treats for our Church cafe. Of course I went straight to Pinterest to see what would be fund to make.

I decided on the Starbucks Recipe Lemon Loaf which I had made before but decided to make them mini-loafs. I also wanted to try the awesome looking Maple Pancake Cupcakes topped with bacon.

I did all the baking last night and this is how hey turned out.

Mmmmm mmmmm mmmmm

Friday, March 28, 2014

Happy Friday

Juliet has been drawing me pictures each morning in the way to preschool-which I love. This morning she told me a story about a boy in class that had a fit and threw toys all over the floor. She asked if she could draw him. Sure.

Here's her picture of him. She pointed out how mad he was and all the toys he was throwing. (I think he looks a bit like he Grinch!)

I love when she draws for me :)

Happy Friday everyone!!!!

Furry Friday

We think Kisa is feeling a wee bit left out these days. From the moment we wake up she follows us around meowing as loud as she can till you sit down and give her some individual attention. Normally she couldn't care less about us so this is something new.

Here she is getting some love before the dogs come back into the house. When I tried to pull my hands away she grabbed me with her little kitty paws and pulled my hands closer to her so I would continue petting her.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Thursday updates

Kisa trying to figure out how she can catch one of the baby chicks without getting in trouble.

The. There's Juliet looking cute as usual :)

And the last one of Allen and Athena I snapped a few days ago. I just couldn't resist, they looked so cozy.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Cubbies are done

After priming up the cubbies and getting them painted, today we moved them into Juliet's room while she was at a friends house.

When she came home she was so excited to see them. I think these will be a great addition to her room.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Before and after

Working on getting the garage organized.

Dirty Water

Here Juliet is pretending to be a T-Rex while playing in a tub of yucky, muddy water. Ick!


Nothing like some good ol' fashioned dirt play.

Project day

Allen picked up this awesome cubby the other day. We're working on sanding it before painting it two pretty colors and then moving it into Juliet's room.

It's nice to have a helper :)

Play Ball!

Trying to teach Jabba to fetch.


The weather was so nice last night hat we got to stay out and play for awhile.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Silly Sock Day!

Juliet loved getting ready for silly sock day and I think she looks adorable!!!!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

New Shoes!

Someone is growing so fast that she needs new shoes!
I told her she could pick them out herself and she was determined to get ones that light up. She also was determined to get ones hat were purple. These fit the bill!!!!

After shoes we went and played around he you isle. Doesn't get any better :)