Monday, September 29, 2014


Juliet blew her first bubble gum bubble. She just figured it out and did it!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Happy Anniversary

To my parents:
Happy 43 Anniversary!

All our love and cheers to many more wonderful years!

Feeling good

Juliet was sick over the weekend and still felt a bit on the icky side yesterday. Today though she's back to her cute little self posing for this pic on her way in to Preschool.


Juliet was so happy to have bought these two mini lego sets with her birthday money, she couldn't wait to put them together.

We spent the next few hours going over the instructions, one step at a time. I read them and showed her which pieces to pick out and where they went and she put them together, all by herself!

Here she is so proud of her little Lego horse stable and little BBQ.

Game time

After Her purchases were made, we headed over to the High School to watch the Friday night game.

After about 20 minutes, Juliet deemed it too boring and we decided to head home to play with her new Legos.

Belated Birthday Fun

Juliet received a belated birthday box from her Uncle Jeremy. It included a card with some money. She had also received a few other cards with money for her 5th birthday (a big thank you to everyone who sent her something, she was very excited) and had been holding into this money for something special.

In the past all money sent to her went into her piggy bank, but this time she grasped the idea that she could use that money to BUY something that she really wanted.

We went and looked through the toy section....isle by isle. She finally found what she had come for, THE SNACKEEZ. For this if you who aren't forced to watch kids shows on a daily basis, his is a large cup that you can drink out of, and store your snacks. She had bee wanting one for a long time. I told her if she wanted to spend her money on it then it was ok with me.

She also bought two mini lego sets. She paid the cashier all by herself, got her change back, said a big thank you and carried it herself.

She was very happy with her purchases.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Bad Dog!

Jabba had an appointment with the vet for a little, snip snip today. I knew as big and crazy as he is that it wasn't going to be easy getting him there, little did I know how difficult it would really be.

The trip there he rode in the front seat and kept trying to lay on me so I knew on the ride home I would have to put him in the back.

When I got there he jumped out of the jeep and then refused to budge. No dog likes the vet but most you can carry or at least drag in. Not Jabba. He dug in all of his 75lbs and refused to move.

Finally a nice gentleman offered to help and between us we got him up the few stairs and into the office. He got weighed and then when it was time to go back he dug in again. This time he was on tile, so with the help of one of the vet aids, I pulled and she pushed and we were able to basically slide him down the hall to his waiting room.

Whew. Done. I'm sure picking him up and getting him home will be much easier.....right?


He bolted out of the office but once in the parking lot he refused to get up into the back of the jeep or get close enough for me to attempt to lift him. At one point he got out of his collar and proceeded to run around like a lunatic. A dog treat vendor took pitty on me and offered me some treats to tempt him with. Pppppfffftttt, treats, right. I took them but knew full well that Jabba could care less about treats.

Finally I was able to catch him and slip his collar back on but then he dug in again and we were on the other side of the parking lot not even near the jeep. Sigh.

This time a nice lady took pity on me and asked if she could help. She had me pull while she pushed and we basically between us carried that naughty dog all the way to the Jeep. Then she helped me lift him up into the back and close the door. Thank heaven for nice people!

I thanked her profusely and got in ready to roll. I grabbed the phone to snap a pic of Jabba in the back but before I knew it he was lunging over the back seat and bounding to the front seat.

What else could I do. Naughty dog and I drove home with him looking out the front window drooling on everything and me steaming mad and quite sure that I have pulled multiple muscles thanks to him.

Bad dog!!!!

PS- the only good thing to come out of this was he got his shots at the same time he got snipped. They asked if I wanted shots for one year or do the ones that last three..... Um yeah, after going through all this, yeah let's go ahead with the three year shots. I don't want to have to do this again any time soon!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Home Cooked Meal

Potato soup, bread bowls and pocket apple pies. It all turned out so yummy.
Thank you Pinterest!

Caught up and baking

I'm home today and decided to take a little time to make a good Fall dinner. I'm working on baked potato crock pot soup and homemade bread bowls.

The bread bowls came out a little flatter than I would have liked but they will work and they still taste great.


More Fall

Enjoying Fall

Enjoying the cool weather and hanging with the animals.

Catch up 3

Fall is here.

Juliet and Emma spent Saturday morning tooling around the yard in her truck. While they played, I enjoyed coffee on the porch while the animals all tried to get attention. (The baby goat won :)

Catch up post 2

Later that night we went to church where Juliet enjoyed time with other kids. They even broke out the climbing wall for the kids and Juliet couldn't get enough.

Catch up post 1

Things have been pretty crazy here lately and I've gotten waaaaay behind on my posts.

Here's post 1 of my catch up.

Last week Juliet and I stopped off for ice cream after preschool. She loved that the cones turned our tongues blue.