Thursday, December 31, 2015

Quilt snuggles

Juliet and Daddy snuggling together on the couch under the new quilt Grandma Shattuck made for us. And Juliet is wearing the new nightgown Aunt Trudy & Aunt Sue (AKA: Aunt Trouble and Aunt Zoo) sent to her.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Fluffy snuggles

This morning Juliet's outdoor cat that wants to be an indoor cat snuck in. She was giving Juliet some snuggles before she had to go back out......but notice Leia over to the side getting jealous....her head kept creeping further and further towards Juliet's lap.

Saturday, November 28, 2015


Juliet and the both of us have been fighting a cold for he past week. This morning she started feeling better and decided to play dress up with make-up. Now she's warming up by the fire Allen made while Mommy tries to get some cleaning done.

No, don't get up....

No, no Jabba, don't get up, I'll clean around you.....

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Juliet's Joy

Yesterday Juliet and Allen came to the studio for a little while before we headed home. Juliet loves sitting behind the desk, playing on the computer and most of all, getting a little massage (she even paid me ¢0.02 for it).

She knows that when I have a client, I put up a little easel saying to please call or come back after a certain time and close the curtains.

When I arrived to the studio this morning, I noticed the easel in the window with a drawing and some words on it, as I got closer I read the word JOY.

Such a happy kid, and now my day will be filed with smiles and Joy :)

Friday, November 13, 2015

Morning Cuddles

Leia trying to get in some morning cuddles before we all start our day.

Monday, October 5, 2015


Good morning!
I know it's been a while since I've posted, so I wanted to share these pictures from our fun fall day at Harvestfest over the weekend. Juliet had a blast and the weather was nice and chilly.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Great time

She had a great birthday and even wore her birthday high-tops to school today!

Happy 6the birthday Juliet!!!!

All Frozen

For the day of her birthday, Juliet requested a frozen cake and pretty much frozen everything.

More Fun

They had a great time and fell fast asleep on the way home.

Pre-birthday bash

We took Emma and Juliet to Chuck-E-Cheese on Sunday for an early celebration.

Birthday Catch up

A few snaps from Allen's Birthday last week :)

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday Allen!!!
He requested a Angel Food Cake which in our house also means what I've termed "The Twinkie Cake". We use he eggs whites for one and the yolks for another and both are AMAZING!

So after a great dinner of steak and potato bar, we cut into the cake and it was so yummy.

We love you baby,

Tuesday, August 18, 2015


Jabba watching Allen leave and Leia cuddling up to Juliet before leaving for school.