Saturday, January 31, 2015

Betty Crocker

Juliet has been begging me to do some baking lately. So this morning we put on our awesome aprons (thank you Grandma Shattuck! OXOXOX) and made some easy bake chocolate chip cookies.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Bedtime Funnies

Juliet asked if she could have a bedtime snack. She got a little cheese circle that comes in the waxy cover. After, she insisted that we take some funny pictures here you are :)


Juliet and Emma playing at the big gym during a basketball game.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Happy Birthday Alex!!!!

Happy Happy 19th Birthday Alex!

We love you!!!!


Look at this little lady looking so grown up *sniffle*.

What a great first hair cutting experience. To too it off we stopped and got her a mini shake at Sonic for being so well behaved. It was the cherry on top of the afternoon.

Losing her first tooth and now her first haircut!!! What's next?!?!

Enjoying being pampered

Almost done

Miss Brooke was great, she let me take pics, video and even keep the little pieces she cut off.

She even offered to straighten Juliet's hair for her as an added fun part of the experience. Juliet is always asking me to do it, but I prefer to let the curls rule. So this was a fun way for her to experience getting her hair cut and getting it done the way she wanted.

Almost time

She got the full treatment from Miss Brooke. A nice hair washing, a booster seat and fun body cover. Even Daddy showed up to check on her (looking a little sad).

Haircut 1.0

The time has come. At 5years 5months, this was the first time she's ever had her hair trimmed and she was pretty excited.

Here are her before pictures. Her hair was a tad frizzy as it has been in a tight french braid for a few days. You can see the ends that are her baby hair are a different color and texture and needed to come off.

Super Girl

Juliet asked if we could show off the super hero press on nails that she got for Christmas.

Indoor Dogs

It's been pretty cold lately so we've been letting Jabba come in. He used to hate being inside but now he loves it and makes himself right at home.

And little Leia, she's growing up fast.

Fun & Learning

Juliet is very into her letters and numbers right now. She recognizes her "sight words" when we read and is anxious and excited to learn and spell more words.

Recently Allen and I came across these Star Wars workbooks. They have them for spelling, numbers and math for pre-k all the way through early elementary. We bought them all.

She loves the tracing and counting and writing and we love the Star Wars.

Playing Around

Here's Alex and Juliet playing around at church the other day.