Friday, May 15, 2015


Juliet had a rough day today bi nothing that ice cream can't fix.
All is well and we are ready for the weekend :)

Sunday, May 10, 2015

The Luna Moth

Last night we saw this beautiful Luna Moth fluttering around outside. This thing is huge and Kisa was hoping to catch it too but no luck ;)

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Spa Time

(Excuse the mess in these pics)

After a long week Juliet wanted to spend some special time together. We decided that today we would play "Salon" and I would do her nails and hair for her. She got a fancy food bath and nail scrub and then we started painting her piggies the sparkly color of her choice.

After the toes though, she decided we could wait on the hands and hair, she was ready to go play with her new dinosaur toy!

Spending like a big girl

Juliet's Aunt Trudy and Aunt Sue had sent Juliet some gift cards this past Christmas. After holding on to them, Juliet decided she was ready to go to the store and pick out something she wanted.

She went from wanting lots of little things to a couple medium sized things to finally deciding she wanted to spend almost all of it on this super awesome roaring, light up T-Rex.

She carried it with her while we finished shopping to make sure it was what she really wanted and in he end, her hart was set on it.

She paid for it all by her self giving the nice lady her gift cards, and held it all the way home.

Thank you Aunt Sue and Aunt Trudy-you have made this little lady very happy 😍.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Mother's Day Breakfast

Juliet and I at the preschools Mother's Day Breakfast. She made me some great gifts including this super awesome bracelet.

Thursday, May 7, 2015


When Juliet and I were in Las Vegas, Grandma and Papa had a small Tomato plant outside planted just for her. Unfortunately none of the tomatoes were ready while there.

Yesterday a box arrived and enclosed was a container full of mini tomatoes from her tree. Here she is enjoying a few before school.

In the last pic, the face she is making looks sour but I just caught her at a funny time. They were sweet and she loved them. Thanks Grandma & Papa Thwing.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Picture Day

Today is picture day at Juliet's preschool. Her last school pictures before she heads off to Kindergarten next fall.

She wasn't very enthusiastic about it until I offered to straighten her hair. The. She got really excited. Here she is practicing her smile before we went in, in the third one she asked me to clip her hair back.

Our little one is growing up so fast....

Mor Star Wars

Here are some fun shots of us and silly selfies I took with the props.

One of Allen presenting the student who coordinated the party with a certificate he made for her. Such a fun night.

Star Wars!

Yesterday was May 4th, National Star Wars Day - May the 4th be with you!

A school club put on a Star Wars party and Allen and I were asked to help out. We helped make some themed treats and of course dressed the parts.

Juliet even showed her support by wearing a Star Wars t-shirt I school.