Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Great time

She had a great birthday and even wore her birthday high-tops to school today!

Happy 6the birthday Juliet!!!!

All Frozen

For the day of her birthday, Juliet requested a frozen cake and pretty much frozen everything.

More Fun

They had a great time and fell fast asleep on the way home.

Pre-birthday bash

We took Emma and Juliet to Chuck-E-Cheese on Sunday for an early celebration.

Birthday Catch up

A few snaps from Allen's Birthday last week :)

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday Allen!!!
He requested a Angel Food Cake which in our house also means what I've termed "The Twinkie Cake". We use he eggs whites for one and the yolks for another and both are AMAZING!

So after a great dinner of steak and potato bar, we cut into the cake and it was so yummy.

We love you baby,

Tuesday, August 18, 2015


Jabba watching Allen leave and Leia cuddling up to Juliet before leaving for school.

1st day over

Meeting up with Daddy after riding her first bus from the Elementary School to the High School. She had such a fun day that she needed to stop and eat a snack right away.

At home she was tired and just wanted to play with her train and car stuff and rest.

Monday, August 17, 2015


Juliet learning where her stuff goes and getting situated in class. I would have taken more pictures of her and I, but the longer I stay, the more anxious she becomes about me leaving. So I had to do last kiss and hug and make a run for it.

I think she and I both did really well, no tears were shed-this girl is ready for Kindergarden!!!!

Old friends and saying Bye

Running into a friend while waiting for the doors to open, and saying bye to Daddy who has to head over to his school.

First Day of School!

Getting all our pictures in before dropping Juliet off at school.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

The night before Kindergarden

Reading Juliet a few books about Kindergarden before she heads to bed. One of the books was sent to us by my always awesome Aunt Sue, (Juliet calls her Aunt Zoo :) called The Night Before Kindergarden. It was so sweet and just perfect.

Now it's off to sleep for everyone, we have a very big day tomorrow!

Gearing up

Juliet putting on her best mean face and sporting some cool Star Wars tattoos.