Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Eye Stuff

Juliet had her first eye exam when she was very little. All was well and she hasn't needed to go back so this is her first "real" eye appointment. She liked all the gadgets and tests they gave her.....however, she did NOT like when they dilated her eyes.

In the end, they said her eyes were really good with only slight farsightedness (not even enough to warrant glasses). This is great news since my eyes were already pretty bad by her age. Keeping our fingers crossed that she got her Daddy's strong eyes :)

Dirt Fun

The weather here in Arkansas can't decide if it's spring or still winter. One day we have ice and the next we're wearing flip flops. Sunday tuned out to be a really nice day so Juliet spent some time playing in the dirt and making some mud. Good times ;)

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Valentine's Day!

All the kids at school have been working hard on their Valentine's Day boxes this week. Many went super crazy over the top, but we decided to keep ours simple.

Juliet chose a Frozen theme which worked well since I had some left over wrapping paper. We cut a hole in the box, wrapped it, added some snowflakes, glitter, stickers and cotton ball snow and done!

Then Juliet sweetly asked, "Mom, how do I get the stuff OUT of the box"?
Oh. Ok. Hmmmm.
I ended up quickly cutting a hole in the back to make a trap door with a little flap pull and Juliet was happy!