Saturday, March 5, 2016

Little Yogi

Juliet usually dislikes Friday's because she has PE on those days. Today, they had awesome Yoga instructor, Miss Kay come in and lead them through some kid yoga moves, and Juliet loved it! Here she is demonstrating to me some of the moves she learned.

Thursday, March 3, 2016


Juliet doing a little reading before school this morning. She's doing so well!!

Massage please

Juliet asked for a massage before we went to church last night. My girl likes to relax!

Little guy

His sweet little guy was in the parking lot of my studio yesterday and was very sweet, even tried jumping in the car with me.
He was doing some roaming around with another dog and they ran off together when I got out of the car. Hope they had fun on their adventures!

Hanging with my girl!