Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Finding Dory

We headed out to the Aliante Casino tonight to watch Finding Dory. It was sooooo good and after we took these pics because Juliet loves the huge cactus and palm trees she sees everywhere.

Hobby Lobby

Juliet enjoying all the cool things at Hobby Lobby.....and feeling a little like Alice In Wonderland under those giant flowers.

More Dam Fun

Cool views

Dam cool!

Juliet loved walking through the underground tunnels and really wanted to climb the "cave walls".

Dam Fun!

Met up with some friends going through town and hit up Hoover Damn today. It was really cool but awfully HOT!

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

We have arrived!

Landed safe and sound with a double rainbow to welcome us.


Juliet loved taking pictures out of the window and flying next to the fluffy clouds and through the clouds.


Made ourselves at home then finally excited to board. Juliet was super excited to get in the air!!


Juliet and I having some fun at the airport before we hop on our plane to Vegas. (Massage chairs and Starbucks....yes please!)