Monday, December 30, 2013

Pinterest Wins

Recently we had been thinking of re-doing the nesting boxes in our coop.
While looking around Pinterest the other day I saw these DIY nesting boxes using old kitty litter buckets, and we certainly have enough of those laying around.
Allen and Alex went to work and before I knew it they had put together this awesome nesting box table. The hens are already making themselves at home and laying awesome green colored eggs!

YAY for recycling, reducing and reusing!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Hanging Around

Rock wall, piñata candy and catching some Zzzzz's on the way home.

On route to Birthday Party

Juliet was invited to a birthday party today. She was insistent that she get to climb the rock wall. Here's Mr. Lynn getting her into the harness and making sure she's safe.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Outside furry friends

It was a beautiful day outside today so I spent some time giving attention to our outside friends while Juliet played in the dirt. It's hard I see in the first pic because I'm wearing while but Jabba has his paw around my neck in a sweet hug. He can be such a BIG sweetie!

Still enjoying the holiday!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013


What a great Christmas. Everyone is winding down now. Resting and enjoying the beautiful sunset over our river is what we're up to for the rest of the night.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!


Our friends and neighbors came by to say hi (and deliver some new Roosters-more on that another time). Here is Juliet and Emma taking turns in the truck and having a blast!

Fun with color

Santa brought Juliet some temporary hair color crayons. She asked me to put it in her hair then wanted to put it in mine. Why not....though I think it looks much better on her.

Then theirs Kisa who is happy to have her space back under the tree.


Time for Juliet to play and us to rest!

Outside fun

Ready to Roll!

Happy Girl!