Sunday, March 31, 2013

MORE Easter Fun!

Easter Fun

Early morning

The lighting wasn't that good in the kitchen this morning but here's some snaps of when Juliet got up to see her basket.

Backing it up

We were pretty busy this weekend so if orbit to post some pictures from yesterday.

Here's Juliet and I resting together watching Milo & Otis. Then later here she is bundled up at the oars while participated in a 5k fundraiser (which I did not run in, nor did I actually finis, lol). It was pretty cold out but she was really happy o get to play at the park.

And finally here's Juliet's basket and new bean bag. Let the fun begin!

More candy

Time to eat the candy. I'll be glad when today is over and the candy can be hidden (more from me than from her :). It's been a sugar fueled week and we're all ready for a nap!

Happy Easter Everyone!

Checking out what they've found

Easter Egg Hunt

Our neighbors invited us over to their place for a little egg hunt for the girls. They had a BLAST and it was real fun watching them hunt around.


The face of a child ripped from her Easter basket to take photos.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Little Rascal

Nothing like the smell of wet raccoon in your car first thing in the morning.

This little guy is getting picked up shortly, no more of our chickens for him!!!!!!!


Or at least his cousin, Ricky Ringtail...
Luckily, our Preacher uses the raccoons we catch to train his hunting dogs...

Here comes Ricky Ring-Tail...
Sneakin' round the goat trail...
Sneakity, Slinkity, Easter's not to-day!!!

Baited with some Nut-Tell-A,
Caught this sneaky gray fell-a,
Sneakity, Slinkity, The Preacher's on his way!!!