Tuesday, March 19, 2013


There have been some pretty big lessons for Juliet in the past 2 weeks...

When the chickens died, we taught her that everything dies eventually...

When our baby goat Luke died, she learned that even the ones we don't want to die still do...

This morning, we caught Mrs. O'Possum... While we were looking at her through the window, we finally saw the chicken killer, a Red Fox! After taking a few quick shots at it, (it saw me as soon as I went outside), Juliet and I had a talk about "The Circle of Life".

We don't do it to be mean... But sometimes it has to be done anyways...

Mrs. O'Possum said goodbye shortly after Juliet went down for her nap...

We are still on the lookout for Red Fox, and are reseting our traps and bait...

Life here isn't always pretty!

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