Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Feeling Better

After fighting a low fever for the last 4 days, Juliet's appetite is finally returning.
This morning I asked if she wanted some cinnamon toast. She responded with a loud, "YES, with cereal on TOP!" I figured why not, I'm just happy that she's eating.

Later in the day we decided to set up Juliet's new "big girl" bed. Allen spent all afternoon breaking apart her crib/toddler bed and disassembling then reassembling the twin bed we moved in for her. This has been a long time coming and she has worked really had to earn her big girl bed.

Unfortunately, she is currently home-sick for her old bed (bed-sick?). She's always been very fond of her crib, that was her own little space. Even after we converted it to the toddler bed she would ask about her old bed. She was safe and comfortable and now the bed is big and a bit scary. I feel bad for her being so sad about something she wanted so bad.

So tomorrow I'm off to purchase a few things that will make her transition a little easier. Disney Princess bed sheets (I would have liked Hello Kitty buuuuuut this is about her....) and maybe some fancy princess pajamas.

If that doesn't work, well, lets not go there yet. Wish is luck!

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