Thursday, October 31, 2013

Let's get this show on the road Mom!

Juliet is ready to go to her party!

Happy Halloween everyone.


Juliet's daycare is having a pajama party for Halloween today. Luckily Grandma Thwing had sent Juliet some Halloween PJ's last year that still fit so we decided to wear those.

Juliet started was posing for me then decided to show me each bone in her body according to her PJ's.

Happy Halloween

It's been a crazy week. There have been more Halloween events than any other holiday I think, so pretty happy to say today, officially Happy Halloween.

Last night the church had a trunk or treat which we brought indoors due to impending rain (which of course only started coming down after the event, lol)

Everyone decorated their table and handed out candy in a table maze we set up, it was pretty fun. I was Rosie the Riveter again and my friend Mary was a WWII Nurse.

Juliet had a blast and our neighbors also came by with best buddy Princess Emma.

This morning I'm siting here drinking coffee as I type and prepare myself to go work on the break-down and clean-up.

Rosie The Riveter: Officially Retired

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Rock-a-bye Baby

Juliet wanted to be the Mommy and rock her baby to sleep last night.


So yesterday, Allen was officially deputized and given his badge...

Today, he has to go to the shooting range to qualify (he hasn't shot a handgun since 2007!!!), so hopefully he's not too rusty!!!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

It's Official

Allen is the new School Resource Officer for the Highland School system. He will deal with security issues along with teaching three law related classes each day.

Friday he was given the official SRO car and surprised Juliet by coming down the drive with sirens blaring, she was really excited.

Cool. Cool, cool, cool.

Congratulations baby!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Chilly Morning

Juliet has not been in much of a picture taking mood lately. This morning before heading into preschool, I asked very nicely if I could take a few pics of her for Grandma and Papa and said sure-but that one had to be with her dinosaur!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Overcast day

After picking up Juliet from Daycare she wanted to hit up the smaller park that is near my work and across from the library we've been going to.

There's not much equipment but she still has fun and enjoys making me play tag and hide & seek. :)

Brusha Brusha Brusha!

The girls getting to brush the horses (note that I am not in there with them....perfectly happy to stay on my side of the fence!)