Sunday, October 6, 2013

We are all a hot mess

Yesterday was an interesting day for us. In the morning, Allen and I worked on getting some firewood cut up. Unfortunately while doing that, Allen stepped into a ground hive of bees and got stung up pretty good. After that it was Benadryl and good night. He was still feeling the sting this morning as you can see by his lovely swollen hand.

And poor Juliet. During the birthday party it started pouring down rain. By the time we left it had stopped but left the wooden ramp outside the door very wet and slimy. To get Juliet to leave the party I had to carry her (fireman style over my shoulder) and not realizing the ramp was slick, my feet went out from under me. I tried to take the brunt of the fall but because she was over my shoulder I couldn't protect her fast enough and her chin/lip hit the ground. Luckily her teeth did not go through, no teeth were broken and all we are dealing with are a few cuts and a fat/bruised lip and she's taking it like a champ. (P.S. She did her best to look sad in these pics, lol, she's actually doing and looking pretty good :)

Im also fine aside from my back and bum being a bit sore from the fall.

Hoping we all get a good nights sleep tonight and wake up feeling a lot better in the morning.

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