Friday, January 31, 2014

Afternoon fun

We went to visit Daddy's classroom and some of his students had drawn him on he board. Juliet had fun drawing around it.

After awhile we headed over to the large gym. We had hot dogs, watched a little basketball and Juliet really enjoyed listening to and watching the band and cheerleaders (which usually aren't there).

She says that when she gets older she wants to be a cheerleader too.

Puppy Love

Juliet has been sick lately. The other night while I did chores and she rested, she asked if Sadie could lay with her (on the bed which I don't usually allow). How could I say no.....

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Miss Clean

Juliet's supposed to be resting but after taking her medicine she has some energy to burn.
"Mom, can I mop?"

What am I gonna say, no.... "Sure, knock yourself out."

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Our little sick girl, didn't nap all day until two minutes away from home.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Walmart Kid

Yup, Juliet on the floor of Walmart playing with a toy. I find that if I take her every so often and actually let her go through and look at the toys at her pace (no rushing her) and play with them and see what they do then we don't have big crying episodes with her wanting every single little thing.

A few more pics from the weekend

The girls having a blast together.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

More fun

Juliet (AKA Spider Girl) and Emma. And all the heard (except for Leia) chilling on the front lawn.

Saturday fun

Our neighbors girls came over today. Juliet and Emma had fun playing in her truck and Beth had fun playing with Jabba.

Goat watch 2014...continues

Still waiting......

Goat watch 2014

Leia has been in labor since last night. Getting closer every hour......

Friday, January 24, 2014

Ready for the weekend

Usually I'm happy it's Friday (who isn't right?). I have found that working at a church presents it's own interesting office situations and is very different from a regular office. My Friday is more like everyone else's Monday because I'm scrambling to get everything completed and ready for the Sunday service.

So Friday goes by pretty fast for me and usually I'm happy but today I am just over this week and absolutely ready for the weekend.

Yesterday as I left work I dropped a bag that was in my hand and didn't see it. It slipped under the wheel and I only noticed when I heard the loud crunch as I backed up.

Yes, that would be my round knitting loom with about 5 hours worth of work that I just drove over. (Anyone with a toddler knows that 5 hours of craft time is like precious gold!!! Grrrrr).

So these pictures reflect how I'm feeling today. Working in laughing it all off and getting the day over with and starting the weekend!

On that note, I better get to work.

Happy Friday everyone and try not to drive over anything!

Waterfall House

Every morning we drive past this house on stilts next to a small waterfall. It's always beautiful to look at but when the temps dip it becomes extra beautiful. The picture doesn't do it justice but you can kind of see the steam coming up out of the water from the natural spring, and all the brush next to the water is frozen and white.

Daddy's Girl

It is COLD here this morning. Juliet did not want to get moving. All she wanted to do was stay bundled up and cuddle with Daddy.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Living room bowling


A picture Juliet drew for me yesterday. A Princess horse...named Princess.

This afternoon we ran to the store and Juliet was all tired till we hit the toy selection. Then she promptly hopped out of the cart to check out all the cool toys.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Silly Billies!

Kisa the cat trying to squish most of herself into my knitting loom to nap.
And this is what happens when you feed a kid mini hot dogs with toothpicks.
Well, it was a long productive day but finally got Juliet into her pjs and wrapped up in her soft blanket and ready for bed.