Friday, January 24, 2014

Ready for the weekend

Usually I'm happy it's Friday (who isn't right?). I have found that working at a church presents it's own interesting office situations and is very different from a regular office. My Friday is more like everyone else's Monday because I'm scrambling to get everything completed and ready for the Sunday service.

So Friday goes by pretty fast for me and usually I'm happy but today I am just over this week and absolutely ready for the weekend.

Yesterday as I left work I dropped a bag that was in my hand and didn't see it. It slipped under the wheel and I only noticed when I heard the loud crunch as I backed up.

Yes, that would be my round knitting loom with about 5 hours worth of work that I just drove over. (Anyone with a toddler knows that 5 hours of craft time is like precious gold!!! Grrrrr).

So these pictures reflect how I'm feeling today. Working in laughing it all off and getting the day over with and starting the weekend!

On that note, I better get to work.

Happy Friday everyone and try not to drive over anything!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about your knitting Sweetpea, I do know just how you feel. I Love that jacket.
