Sunday, June 29, 2014

Fun at the park

We enjoyed a great day with Daddy yesterday, starting with some time at the park.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Another chick?

Juliet checked the incubator today and shrieked when she saw that a new chick has just started poking through one egg. We've had a streak of bad luck lately so if will be great if this little guy makes it! Fingers crossed!

It doesn't get better than this.......

If you didn’t already know, Allen and I celebrated our 6th anniversary last Saturday.  I know that ALL of you know what huge Star Wars fans we are, so you can imagine how awesome it was when he made this for me:


If you’re reading this from a phone, chances are you will not be able to view it – so log into a computer to check it out, totally worth it!



I am a very lucky lady and have a very awesome husband.



Beautiful Sunset Last Night


This morning I told Juliet to wait by my car while I went to feed the animals. When I came back, this is where she was waiting.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Outside time

Now that the roof is completed we are enjoying some time outside. Just walking around loving our new roof and loving our view.

Found a caterpillar

Working hard!

Said she's working hard as a construction worker but needs a hard hat.


Juliet resting after we got home yesterday.
"Mommy, can I cover up with your super soft blankie?"


Funny story......
This morning I woke up and let Athena outside as usual. After a few minutes I heard both Jabba and Athena barking like crazy right outside the door. I looked out and saw them barking at something under the front porch.

I walked outside and called them away thinking it was a raccoon or armadillo and wanted to give it a minute to run for it's life. I bent down to look under the porch and as soon as it came into view everything went into slow motion.


I ran backwards so fast I almost fell and then ran as fast as I could across the drive. As soon as I stopped, IT hit me. A wall of smell so bad I started to gag. I knew if I didn't make a break for the front door immediately I would be a gonner. I pulled my shirt over my nose and mouth and ran back into the house leaving the dogs to fend for themselves.

I was lucky to get away, but I don't know about the dogs. Poor Athena wants to come back in so bad but I think she's going to have to stay out until tonight when I come home and can see/smell how bad it is.

Jabba, well, he's an outside dog anyways, so he may want to make a few trips down to the river today.

I opened the front door a few minutes ago to see if the smell had maybe dissipated. It has not.

Juliet and I still have to make it through that wall of stench to get to the car and to feed the animals.

Wish us luck......this could be a stinker of a day!

Cristy W.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Roof 2

Here's a better before and after. This one really shows off how nice the new green looks.


Here's a before and after shot of our new metal roof. It's not all the way completed but almost there, and we love it!

Making hearts for Daddy

Lightening Bugs!

It was getting late last night when Wonder Woman decided she wanted to hang outside and watch the lightening bugs for a bit before bedtime. There were a lot so she had fun pointing them all out.

I'm up!

The only thing that would get her up was that I had a surprise for her from Grandma and Papa. Once she saw nail polish she was wide awake and begged to do my nails. Thank goodness this was peel away polish!

Wake up sleepy head

(Playing catch up from the weekend)

Juliet did not want to get up from her nap.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Jail Break!

Not only is this little fella loud, like REALLY loud, but he also just figured out how to get out of the mini brood.

Most impressive Ackbar! to keep him in.

Guess maybe tomorrow it'll be time to move him into the medium brood.

*****he is currently pacing on the back of the couch and keeps randomly jumping on me.

Hey you, Han!

Um, you look a little different this evening Han. Anything happen today I should know about? You get into a fight with Jabba?

Looks like he took a little off the top for you.