Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Funny story......
This morning I woke up and let Athena outside as usual. After a few minutes I heard both Jabba and Athena barking like crazy right outside the door. I looked out and saw them barking at something under the front porch.

I walked outside and called them away thinking it was a raccoon or armadillo and wanted to give it a minute to run for it's life. I bent down to look under the porch and as soon as it came into view everything went into slow motion.


I ran backwards so fast I almost fell and then ran as fast as I could across the drive. As soon as I stopped, IT hit me. A wall of smell so bad I started to gag. I knew if I didn't make a break for the front door immediately I would be a gonner. I pulled my shirt over my nose and mouth and ran back into the house leaving the dogs to fend for themselves.

I was lucky to get away, but I don't know about the dogs. Poor Athena wants to come back in so bad but I think she's going to have to stay out until tonight when I come home and can see/smell how bad it is.

Jabba, well, he's an outside dog anyways, so he may want to make a few trips down to the river today.

I opened the front door a few minutes ago to see if the smell had maybe dissipated. It has not.

Juliet and I still have to make it through that wall of stench to get to the car and to feed the animals.

Wish us luck......this could be a stinker of a day!

Cristy W.

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