Thursday, November 27, 2014

Drumroll Please!!!!!

The biggest news of tonight.......

Juliet informed us that she has a loose tooth. I think I may have been more excited then her, but WOW, her very first loose tooth, this is huge! HUGE!!

Our baby will soon lose her first tooth. Then we'll get visits from the tooth fairy and oh the fun we'll have.

*sniffle* her first loose tooth, sigh.


Tulip got herself in to quite the Thanksgiving mess today. She must have been playing around and got caught up in the window cord. So she got to spend the day hanging around ;)

Juliet finally woke up and demanded pie. With EXTRA whipped cream.

And the aftermath of dinner

Down for the count!

Happy Thanksgiving

Sweet Sadie. She really is the sweetest dog ever.

Then I was able to catch 3 of the dogs together (I still have not been able to get all 4 in the same shot!)

The rest of my mini pies (cherry & apple).

And of course Juliet with olives on her fingers. Because really, it's not truly Thanksgiving till someone eats olives off their fingers.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Much love from the Wallis homestead.

Cuddle Time

A girl and her puppy

More outdoor fun

Ying and Yang


Juliet had been learning about Thanksgiving in Preschool this week. Tuesday she came home with a small pouch that contained some items, including 4 corn kernels. She was insistent that they MUST be planted for Thanksgiving.

So we bundled up, and out we went to plant those kernels!

Little Pie, Little Pie

Yesterday Juliet helped me cut out the little crust embellishments for my mini pies. I attempted the mini pies at the last minute not thinking too much about it.

Then it hit me-you cook little pies at different temp and times, the crust which was thin stated to cook way faster than the pie, when should I put my little decorations on so they didn't burn. All these questions and more I feverishly texted to my Mom who is awesome and knows all. She replied quickly and with and the answers and tips needed.

While I wish I could have been with my Mom this Thanksgiving, I'm so grateful for her and thank her so much for always being there for me....even when it's something like little pies.

Thanks Mom, you are the best!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014


Puppy brings in bone.
Sadie wants bone.

Puppy lets bone go for split second.
Sadie snags bone.

Puppy snags Sadie's bed.


Growing Puppy

The puppy wants to be like the big dogs and has figured out she can juuuust reach the big bowls.

Then here she is by Juliet's door waiting for her (get up get up get up get up!!!!!).

Then finally, here she is trying to squeeze herself onto Sadie's bed.

Birthday Bowling

A fun party over the weekend

Happy and Cozy