Tuesday, April 30, 2013

New Kids

It was along day today-off to Little Rock at 6:30am to get new ID's at 9:00. Bulk shopping at the commissary, a nice lunch and on the way home we picked up our new goats- Shmee & Padme (Star Wars fans will understand the interesting choice of names).

Han and Leia are not thrilled about the new additions but we're confident within a few days they'll all be friends.

Bulk Tired

Juliet wearing down while we get some bulk shopping done at the base commissary.

Lets roll!

Juliet ready to rock and roll while we wait to get our new military ID's.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Little powdered sugar.....

Eating a few powdered sugar donuts and apple juice before she goes to her Sunday School class.

Her Sunday Best

Juliet insisted on wearing her new dress and princess jewelry from Papa and Grandma.

Fish Fry

We went to our church's annual Fish Fry over the weekend and WOW, they don't mess around. The food was amazing and the desserts.... Well, as you can see, they had everything you could imagine!
(Juliet was wearing her princess earrings :)

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Princess Juliet

Juliet enjoying the Princess jewelry her Grandma Thwing and Papa sent to her. She has worn the earrings ALL day and shown them off to EVERYONE! (And had to put everything on to go to bed as a full "Princess")

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


This morning, we picked up our chicks from the feed store...

Juliet was woken up by a loud "CHEEP CHEEP CHEEP!!!" in her room...

The totals are:
6 Aruacuana (5 hens)
5 Black Australope Hens
5 Silver Laced Wyandotes
5 Gold Laced Wyandotes

After the picnic

Juliet was beyond tired and you can see it in her face. Unfortunately she was past the point of napping so we just let her play outside until it was time to get ready for bed. Then she crashed.

Daddy, Juliet & Athena

Reading a farm magazine together.

Catch up

Still playing catch up with the blog....

Here's Juliet on Sunday at our church family picnic. She swung on those swings all afternoon and could barely keep her eyes open when we drove home.

Also, a good shot of some of our friends as we all sat down for a few minutes and enjoyed that our children were all off playing.