Thursday, November 28, 2013

Done and Done!

Turkey done, and getting everyone served. Allen did a great job with all the food (he cooks most of it, including that tasty looking turkey) and I tip my hat to him, his brown sugar bacon wrapped green beans were awesome and the gravy, yuuuuuuuum!

And finally Juliet giving her Grandma Gooch some love :)

To everyone near and far, friends and family, we hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We are thankful for all of you.

Now go put on a pair of stretchy pants and have another piece of pumpkin pie.....that's what I'm doing!

Almost there.....

Turkey ready and in the oven, Juliet and Daddy resting on the couch together and starting to see clean surfaces around the house *gasp*.

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope everyone is now doing what I'm doing after a long day and huge meal, siting in front of the TV relaxing, resting and enjoying the end of a lovely day.

My day started when Juliet woke me up nice and early. To wake myself up I made an extra special coffee. Then I checked in my first pumpkin pie (looked good-tho turns out it was a bit undercooked, nothing a lot of extra whipped cream couldn't fix).

Then it was time to get the house picked up and cooking started. To entertain Juliet I brought out a new Olay-Doh set. She refused to smile at all until I promised her a slice of above mentioned pie.

Look how sweet she looks in her foot pajamas. This will probably be the last year she wears those kind of jammies, reminds me of when she was a baby *sniffle*.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Fun with cotton candy

Who doesn't love cotton candy

Birthday Fun

Juliet enjoying birthday snacks and treats. friend Staci and I also snuck a few of the blue icing cupcakes, hehe.

Goofing Off

Juliet and I playing around before heading to a friends Birthday party.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Got Game?

Went to visit Daddy again while he patrols another round of basketball games. The score buzzer was a bit loud so today we wore some super cool hearing protection.

One reason....

One of the reasons I love my job:

Every month the church has a "Men's Breakfast" at 6:30am. By the time I get to my office the smell of triple thick bacon is still everywhere.

So one day I was joking with my boss that it's not fair to leave my office smelling so good and I should get any leftovers!

Now, every time there is a Men's breakfast, I come into work to find something like this left on my desk.

Now that's how you start your day off right! :)


I could not resist snapping a few Pics of Juliet when I went to wake her up this morning. She just looked so cute and was sleeping so soundly. Our sweet girl!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Super Hero!

My friend asked me to make some masks for her son's Super Hero Birthday party. These were all the different ones I made.

Iron Man
Pink Super Hero
Red Webbed Spider-man
Red Spider-man
Purple Super Hero

Hanging with Daddy

Allen had I patrol a basketball game last night so Juliet and I stopped in to say hi :)

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Ok, all done!

Finished painting and time to go wash up! That was a fun morning craft :)

More painting fun

The pumpkin painting graduated to more of a sensory activity with full on hand painting.