Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope everyone is now doing what I'm doing after a long day and huge meal, siting in front of the TV relaxing, resting and enjoying the end of a lovely day.

My day started when Juliet woke me up nice and early. To wake myself up I made an extra special coffee. Then I checked in my first pumpkin pie (looked good-tho turns out it was a bit undercooked, nothing a lot of extra whipped cream couldn't fix).

Then it was time to get the house picked up and cooking started. To entertain Juliet I brought out a new Olay-Doh set. She refused to smile at all until I promised her a slice of above mentioned pie.

Look how sweet she looks in her foot pajamas. This will probably be the last year she wears those kind of jammies, reminds me of when she was a baby *sniffle*.

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