Friday, May 30, 2014


Loving Friday dinner with Mommy & Daddy.

Big Smiles

Comparing Juliet's first school pics to mine (this is my Kindergarten and her Preschool pic). Check out those smiles, we definitely share a love of big smiles!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Hello Mr. Beetle

Move aside Mr. Beetle, I'd like I get into my office please!

Eggs, eggs, wonderful eggs

Checked for eggs when we got home from church last night. I snapped a pic of these three because usually we get two green and one pink/brown - but is it me or is the one looking more blue? I'd love it we got a blue, green and pink! Cool.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

It's what's for dinner

Lil smokies wrapped in crescent rolls for dinner. Not the healthiest but yummy and if it's little, Juliet will actually eat!

Also trying the ice cube tray experiment. It's hard getting little ones to eat so I'm trying a Pinterest trick. Putting lots of little food into an ice cube tray. There's cheese, crackers, blueberries, raisins, and grapes. Interested to see if she eats all her dinner.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Hiding out

Juliet and I hiding out and being lazy before heading to the pool with friends later.

Sunday, May 25, 2014


" the cat gently."


[so she squeezes and pets him like his name is George]

Notice I found the other cat....far away....lounging on my car....where she can not reach.


I had to run an errand in a small town nearby us yesterday morning. As you enter town and come around this huge curve, to your left is this runway.

I had a few minutes and saw the entrance to the airport so I parked and walked over. I watched one small plane take off and saw a few others parked inside the few scattered hangers on the other side of the runway.

It was a beautiful day out so I walked around and took a few pictures. Little airports always remind me of my Dad and I know he would think this one was cool too, even though it was so small :)

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Cheep Cheep

We have a baby chick starting to hatch out. Juliet was so excited when she heard him cheeping.


While closing up my office to go to the other building, I turned around to lock my door and got quite the surprise.
I had my outer door propped open to enjoy the Spring weather and this little guy slithered his way in to rest on my cool floor. NOT COOL!
After having a mini heart attack, and doing the little girl screaming dance I ran for my life and went for back-up.
Lucky for me there were a few guys working around the church and with hammer and crowbar in hand they came to my rescue.
By the time we returned, Mr. Slithers was more than halfway under my door which really freaked me out. The guys went in, there was a lot of rustling and I heard them shout, "he's headed into the copier". Gulp. Again, NOT COOL!
After a few more minutes I heard a soft thud and my rescuer came out. "Your office is clean".They removed him-did what had to be done and disposed of ol' Mr. Slithers.
After closing my door, never to be propped open again, I tried to settle down and get rid of my heebeegeebees.
Now before you say something like, "Hey, you live in Arkansas, snakes should be no big deal". Or remind me that that particular snake is actually a good snake, I say, "Fooey on you!"
A snake in the wild I can deal with, a snake in my office trying to make his way into my copier or under my desk is a whole other matter! NOT COOL!

Never a dull moment in these parts! ;)

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Juliet in her little outfit, and soft furry gloves (don't ask) holding her silly puddy egg.

Feeding the goats

The goats have eaten most of the low leaves off our trees already. So when Juliet went around and pulled some fresh leaves down for them, they were very happy.

Jabba on the run!

Jabba is such a big dog that when Juliet goes out to play he wants attention and won't leave her alone. This drives Juliet crazy and she's always yelling at him to go away.

With the warmer weather upon us, we purchased a few water guns and wouldn't you know it, Juliet found Jabba's weakness.

Every time she squirted him, he ran and she LOVED it. Here she is chasing him for once down the road and then him running to me for safety.

Monday, May 19, 2014


Juliet saw this at the store, hopped right on and told me to take a picture.

Sunday Fun

Juliet showing off her "new to her" cowgirl boots. Great for trim pining around in the yard and not having to worry about getting dirty. (Cost .50¢ :)

A picture of Allen and I before he headed out. Yup, the beard is gone....for now.

Sunday, May 18, 2014


Juliet playing with one of the cats while Mommy & Daddy work in the garage.

Friday Fun

Here we are enjoying the warm afternoon waiting for Daddy to get home. The goats and sheep were close by as always, eating everything in sight (could Padme be pregnant? She's looking a little chunky around the middle) and of course the barn cats doing what they do best.....not much ;)