Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Chicken Little

Not that anyone is actually following the chicken saga I have going on right now, but for those one or two interested, I thought I would post an update.

I finally caught the rogue chicken that had gotten away. I think after a day of no food and water made it slow enough for me to wrangle - but don't misunderstand, it was not an easy task. There was a lot of running, jumping and lunging before I cornered him.

After putting him with the others in the big coop, he seemed to be happy.

This morning when I went out to let the big chickens out and feed and water the little guys, the metal caging you see here was moved and the little chicks were huddled together, hiding out in the corner. Seems the bigger chickens got a bit jealous of their food and staged a break-in.

Our grown chickens get very little feed and just a little scratch in the mornings. Since they are free range, their diet mostly consists of bugs, ticks and whatever else they can dig up. I guess seeing food right in front of them, just out of reach was too tempting.

There's no way I can get those smaller chickens rounded up and back into the caged area, so now it'll be interesting to see if they follow the older chickens in and out of the coop or just run amuck into the forrest.

Time will tell!

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