Thursday, May 22, 2014


While closing up my office to go to the other building, I turned around to lock my door and got quite the surprise.
I had my outer door propped open to enjoy the Spring weather and this little guy slithered his way in to rest on my cool floor. NOT COOL!
After having a mini heart attack, and doing the little girl screaming dance I ran for my life and went for back-up.
Lucky for me there were a few guys working around the church and with hammer and crowbar in hand they came to my rescue.
By the time we returned, Mr. Slithers was more than halfway under my door which really freaked me out. The guys went in, there was a lot of rustling and I heard them shout, "he's headed into the copier". Gulp. Again, NOT COOL!
After a few more minutes I heard a soft thud and my rescuer came out. "Your office is clean".They removed him-did what had to be done and disposed of ol' Mr. Slithers.
After closing my door, never to be propped open again, I tried to settle down and get rid of my heebeegeebees.
Now before you say something like, "Hey, you live in Arkansas, snakes should be no big deal". Or remind me that that particular snake is actually a good snake, I say, "Fooey on you!"
A snake in the wild I can deal with, a snake in my office trying to make his way into my copier or under my desk is a whole other matter! NOT COOL!

Never a dull moment in these parts! ;)

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