Sunday, May 4, 2014

Here chick chick chick!

As of right now we have a total of five baby chicks. Three that are just old enough to go into the coop and two that are still small and need to stay in the brood a bit longer.

So today Juliet and I tried boxing up the three older chickens....tried being the word of the day here. They are getting so big that they can jump pretty far and can fly a bit. got away.

After lots of chasing, yelling and scaring with no success, he/she has been left to its own devices for now (fingers crossed that the barn cats don't get hungry for a midnight snack). We got the other two all set up in the sectioned off area Allen put up in the large coop where they'll stay for 5 days or so. After that they can be let out and should understand that's where they should go back to each night, "should" (again, fingers crossed).

The other picture doesn't look like much, the two smaller chicks are hiding under the yellow heat lamp. Since I took the bigger chicks out, I went ahead and cleaned out the brood for them making it all nice and fresh for them. We may have another chick or two hatching in the next few weeks so it'll be all cozy for them when they arrive.

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