Wednesday, October 31, 2012


These are my favorite pictures of the night.

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all? Princess Juliet. She enjoyed getting to put on a dab of lip gloss.

I as usual was Princess Leia and I'm glad I was able to get this pic of Juliet and I. For the record I usually have bigger buns, but after getting Juliet ready those things not only made it hard to hear, they were so hot I couldn't stand it and decided to go with my own "mini buns" :).

The final picture I snapped really fast but thought It turned out really pretty.

It was such a fun evening. Too much food, waaaaay too much candy and we're both far beyond exhausted.

I hope you all had a wonderful fun night. Happy Halloween Everyone!

Trick or Treat

Juliet was insistent on being a princess for Halloween, and what a beautiful little princess she was.

Our church had a trunk-n-treat which is a safe place for the kids to go and get candy. Everyone backs their cars up and decorates the trunks and hands candy out. We invited our neighbors to join us and the girls had a blast together. Two beautiful princesses!

Happy Halloween from Princess Crazy Pants

This was actually how I found Juliet after her nap yesterday. I went to get her up and she had put on her costumes, shoes and a grumpy attitude.

She's looking forward to getting even more dressed up later today and heading out to collect some goodies. I hope to get some Juliet Princess HAPPY Pants pictures to share with everyone.

I hope you all have a fun filled safe Halloween!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Silly Goats

We sat on the big rocks for awhile watching the goats be silly. It's hard to see but the last picture is Han up on two feet looking into the chicken coop, lol.

Mail Call

We strolled up the drive to check the mail. Juliet and Sadie played tag the whole way up and back.

Just as we started to get close to home Juliet was "tooooooooo tired" to keep walking. A few more feet though and she saw the big rocks and wanted to hop around some more.

Beautiful Day

It started to warm up this afternoon so Juliet and I went outside to play with the animals.

The chickens had hopped the fence and were roaming around the yard and the goats were in a playful mood running and jumping all around.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

While You Were Sleeping...

Juliet has been pretty sick the last few days. As of this morning, the worst is over but she's still trying to kick it all out and feeling pretty run down.

She helped me make this sign for Daddy, but when it came to posing with it she was NOT in the mood.

She finally fell asleep watching Cinderella and I took matters into my own hands :)

ONE week and Allen will be back home with us! ONE WEEK!

See you soon my love!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Sick Girl

Juliet's been sick the last few days. Yesterday she only wanted to nap by her friend Sadie, today she would only sleep if I held her.

Hoping she feels better tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


We got our second egg today and Juliet wanted to hold it, cradle it and love it.

Hello Mr. Stick Bug

Go, go, go

Juliet had me going, going, going all morning. I finally talked her into playing alone near Mommy so I could get some chores done. Here she is playing in a little crawl space/fort area and finally I got her to lay down and it finally happened, she fell asleep. Now lets see if she will stay asleep.

I think I need a nap too.......

Pumpkin Muffins

As I was finishing stirring the cookies, the batter looked too runny for my taste. I prefer a cake-like cookie so I added in 1/2 cup flour. Then I decided to take half the batter and make mini muffins and half to make cookies.

Once the muffins were done, I put the icing in a baggie with a straw taped into the corner and shot the muffins with cream cheese icing.

Results: Verry Yummy, but pretty rich even with the added flour. I'd say B+

UPDATE: Eaten after they had cooled down for a few hours made a huge difference and they were even more Delish! Upgrade to A+. I will definitely make these again.

Fall Food

Juliet loves helping Mommy bake so I decided to make some easy bake cookies. Pumpkin for fall seemed perfect, and of course Juliet got to lick the spoon so se was happy.

Harder puzzle

Juliet wanted to do another puzzle. This one had more pieces and required more help. Shortly after starting she determined it was time to do something else, lol.


I am so proud! Juliet did this puzzle all by herself (with just a little help from Mommy here and there).

I couldn't resist!

Putting up the chickens

Putting up the chickens and enjoying some evening outside time.