Sunday, October 14, 2012

Project of the day

More than anything right now, Juliet wants to be a princess.  She's full force into the princess phase and watches Cinderella any chance she gets.  

Not even sure what Halloween is exactly, she knows she gets to dress up and when asked what she wants to be, it's always "PRINCESS"!

I have a few different princess dress options for her to wear but I wasn't sure about shoes.  Then I made a quick pit-stop to our local thrift store and found these shoes for a few dollars.  Bingo!

Juliet fell in love with them, even slipping them on after bedtime and sleeping in them last night, lol.  Today I took them and decided to make them extra fancy.  Some glue, glitter and a half hour later....voilà.  Princess slippers!

I could have left them the way they were but I had been dying to gitterfy something and this seemed like the perfect opportunity. 

Juliet wasn't very happy with me when she first saw them but in the end decided that pink sparkly would be ok.  

Cristy W.

1 comment:

  1. Ya know Cristy.. I would have loved to see more Glitter on that project.. (quick what program am I talking about?) Glad your using them glitter skills and happy fingers :P
