Thursday, July 31, 2014

Kid Fun

Juliet got home from daycare and immediately wanted to play with he goat. We brought her outside hoping mommy and baby would connect, but so far it's a no-go.

In all the hub-bub of a new kid in the house, we didn't even realize that a new chick hatched out.

You would think its spring here at the Forrest Moon!

Allen put together a little milking system that we can try out tomorrow. Should make milking Padmé much easier. Wish us luck!

Good morning world!

Over the last few days I kept meaning to post but just slacked off. This morning we had a new addition to the farm and I couldn't wait to post-so we're back!

Welcome to the world baby goat.

Early this morning I heard the dogs going crazy. They had been barking off and on most of the night (now I know why). I finally rolled out of bed to see what all the fuss was about, thinking maybe we had lost a chicken.

When I got outside, the animals were all making strange noises, chickens clucking loudly, all the roosters crowing, the dogs barking and the goats and sheep baaa-ing.

I heard a strange high pitched noise and thought, great we have a chicken in distress, let me go find it.

Before I could make my way around to the side of the house where I thought the sound was coming from, Jabba ran up next to me and started making this high pitched bark. He nudged me to go under the porch so I figured that must be where said dying chicken was. He pushed me further under and there she was. This teeny-tiny little goat crying out.

I scooped it up and got Allen and now we have our new baby goat!

Still working on names......,

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


Sorry for the lack of posts the last few weeks,
This is Allen's last week at the academy and today is the last day at my job where I will be cramming a weeks worth of work into one day.

It has been a crazy summer and things are about to change and shift again....and it will be awesome. We'll just need a bit of recovery time during this transition.

I will try to post if I can, but if you don't see anything for a week or so, don't fret-check back and I promise I'll pick up again real soon.

Thursday, July 17, 2014


We're kind of over the couch I bought when we first got here. It seemed "cabin-y" when I got it, but now it just seems like Christmas in July.

Also, it's not really that comfy, it's ok but eventually we want something larger and more of a deep cushion/overstuffed style.

Until we can find that perfect couch, I decided to try a cover to change things up. It's a lightweight denim cover. It could probably use a little more adjusting and it's a bit wrinkled still, but for the most part, I'm really happy with it. Yay!


This is what you get after mixing goat and sheep food. Guess that's why people living on farms/homesteads probably don't get their nails done often.

(That's Fett the cat helping me out).

Static Cling

I laughed every time Juliet came down the slide, her hair was just standing on end. She wouldn't sit sill long enough for me to get a real good shot but you get the idea from these.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Juliet + Static Electricity

Change is Good

I did a Facebook post on this but realized I hadn't mentioned it on he blog.  Instead of writing a separate post, I just copied what I wrote of FB....

Some of you may or may not know, that next week will be my last week at my current job.  Allen and I have decided to make a change and I will be staying home this year.  

.......Well mostly.  I have put a package in to be a substitute teacher at the schools, probably a couple days a week.  This will get me out of he house, give me a tiny bit of spending cash, and since Juliet's daycare is right by the schools, we can all carpool (bonus!).

This is Juliet's last year before she starts Kindergarten and with Allen working at the schools, and me at home, we'll be able to spend all our holidays and vacations together as a family and start planning lots of travel during the summers.  

After the last three years that included moving, his final deployment, adjusting to his military retirement and then adjusting to his new job at the school and him spending this whole summer at the Arkansas Police Academy, we look forward to doing what we originally came here to do.  Slowing things down a bit, spending more time together and working our homestead (Hoth Farms, Falcon Fields....we're still working in the right Star Wars themed name ;)

While leaving such a wonderful job with such great people is bittersweet, I am excited at the idea of change and what it brings.  My to-do list is growing by the day and my long forgotten craft room calls my name.

This is going to be a awesome year!

Cristy W.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Don't go!!!!

Jabba really didn't want us to leave this morning. He laid down right in front of us and just stayed there.

I finally got him to move and he slowly walked to the side, sat down and let us leave.

Before, he would have chased us up the drive making us drive back down but we've been working on "STAY" for some time. Glad to see he's feeling like staying closer to home these days!

Monday, July 14, 2014


Juliet noticed his morning that a new baby chick had hatched out. This one's Mommy is our chicken "Broody".

She is the only chicken from our original group. She has survived this long and been a great egg producer so hoping to be able to hatch out a few more of her little ones.

Welcome baby chick (no name yet!)


Doing some coloring at Church. She's pretty good at keeping occupied.


Allen and Juliet enjoying some time together over the weekend.

Homeward Bound!

For those of you who don't follow on Facebook, we wanted to update you that one day this weekend, around 3:00am, Jabba made his way home.

He's skinny, limping and riddled with ticks, but all in all, doing ok.

He's spend the last few days resting, eating and wanting hugs, but in another few days he should be 100%!

Thanks for all the good wishes and prayers from everyone, we really appreciate it.