Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Change is Good

I did a Facebook post on this but realized I hadn't mentioned it on he blog.  Instead of writing a separate post, I just copied what I wrote of FB....

Some of you may or may not know, that next week will be my last week at my current job.  Allen and I have decided to make a change and I will be staying home this year.  

.......Well mostly.  I have put a package in to be a substitute teacher at the schools, probably a couple days a week.  This will get me out of he house, give me a tiny bit of spending cash, and since Juliet's daycare is right by the schools, we can all carpool (bonus!).

This is Juliet's last year before she starts Kindergarten and with Allen working at the schools, and me at home, we'll be able to spend all our holidays and vacations together as a family and start planning lots of travel during the summers.  

After the last three years that included moving, his final deployment, adjusting to his military retirement and then adjusting to his new job at the school and him spending this whole summer at the Arkansas Police Academy, we look forward to doing what we originally came here to do.  Slowing things down a bit, spending more time together and working our homestead (Hoth Farms, Falcon Fields....we're still working in the right Star Wars themed name ;)

While leaving such a wonderful job with such great people is bittersweet, I am excited at the idea of change and what it brings.  My to-do list is growing by the day and my long forgotten craft room calls my name.

This is going to be a awesome year!

Cristy W.

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