Saturday, July 12, 2014

Pool Party

A friend is having a inflatable bouncy house birthday party today. Juliet loved playing on the slip and slide one. Finally she got brave and wanted to do the tall slide, got all the way to the top and froze.

I sent two older girls that she knows up to help her out and she made it down....well, bounced her way down.

After about 10 more minutes she declared that she wanted to go again and wasn't scared any more. Ok, BRAVO Juliet, go!

She got to the top and.......... instantly regretted her decision. I again sent up the girls to get her and this time she still wasn't coming down!

We finally had to have her walk back down the steep stairs.

At least she tried again. A+ for effort sweetie!

She's off and running on the slip and slide again

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