Thursday, July 31, 2014

Good morning world!

Over the last few days I kept meaning to post but just slacked off. This morning we had a new addition to the farm and I couldn't wait to post-so we're back!

Welcome to the world baby goat.

Early this morning I heard the dogs going crazy. They had been barking off and on most of the night (now I know why). I finally rolled out of bed to see what all the fuss was about, thinking maybe we had lost a chicken.

When I got outside, the animals were all making strange noises, chickens clucking loudly, all the roosters crowing, the dogs barking and the goats and sheep baaa-ing.

I heard a strange high pitched noise and thought, great we have a chicken in distress, let me go find it.

Before I could make my way around to the side of the house where I thought the sound was coming from, Jabba ran up next to me and started making this high pitched bark. He nudged me to go under the porch so I figured that must be where said dying chicken was. He pushed me further under and there she was. This teeny-tiny little goat crying out.

I scooped it up and got Allen and now we have our new baby goat!

Still working on names......,

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