Tuesday, July 8, 2014


Our posts may be sparse over the next week. Jabba is missing and our hearts are broken. We've done absolutely everything we can to find him, but come up with nothing.

When we first got Jabba, he was a crazy puppy, he would bark constantly-I mean ALL NIGHT LONG. It drove me nuts. Then the puppy "chewing" phase started and he devoured all of my outside chair cushions over and over again.

He shredded bags of trash along with anything else he could and jumped on you like crazy.

Then something happened. The barking lessened, the shredding of most stuff stopped and Jabba turned in to one of the best dogs ever. He patrolled our property faithfully, he kept predators at bay (we used to be the house where chickens went to die. Since Jabba, not one chicken was lost). And most importantly he gave hugs like no other dog ever. All Jabba ever wanted was a big hug and he was in heaven.

Wherever you are Jabba, we hope you know how much you are loved and how much you'll be missed.

We love you boy!

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