Friday, October 31, 2014


Drop off at Preschool, Juliet decided she would rather cuddle. After a few minutes (enjoying those snuggles) I talked her into going in to start the fun.

Good morning!

Finally up and ready to have some Halloween fun. Today is Pajama day at preschool, so of course she's sporting her Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle PJ's.

It's gonna be a fun day!

Happy Halloween!

Juliet was so tired this morning, took me awhile to find her buried in her blankets.

Happy Halloween

By chance we also caught "The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" while painting. Yay!

Pumpkin Painting

Juliet and I worked on painting some pumpkins last night.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Saturday, October 25, 2014

First Halloween Event

Our first Halloween event of the year, the annual Gibson Halloween Hayride.

Costumes, cookout, trick-or-treating and then a hayride to some houses to collect MORE candy.

We were going to go as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles but Juliet changed her mind at the last minute. So while she is a beautiful Snow White, I threw together an evil queen costume. She decided we'll do the turtles this week at the Trunk or treat.

Ladybug, Ladybug

I wish I could get some better pictures to show just how many ladybugs are swarming the house. They are EVERYWHERE!

There are thousands of them swarming around the house and if you go to the end of the deck they just land on you, I've never seen anything like it!!!

Love it!

Allen did such a great job-look at this deck, it's feels brand new!

Here's Jabba getting some love (Jabba will just jump up and give you big hugs! He's such a sweetie!)

And more pics of the deck. I am so excited at how nice and cozy it looks and feels. Perfect for sipping coffee and enjoying the fall weather.


What a difference!