Sunday, October 5, 2014

More fun...

We ran into our best friends and neighbors so the kids all ran off to jump and play.

After that got old, we lined up for the mildly haunted hay ride. Juliet loves hay rides and if Mommy hadn't been so worn out, she would have made me go over and over again.

After the haunted hayride, the kids talked us into (begged unrelentingly) heading over to the haunted house. This was one of those times when you are unsure if you are being too strict as a parent or if letting them go would end up being Parental Mistake #734.

I won't go into too many details but let's say that we waited a VERY VERY VERY long time to put #734 into the books. All is well and there were no nightmares but by the end if the night, Juliet was slightly traumatized, Mommy's neck and back seized up from having to carry her while waiting in line and then as she got scared in the haunted house.

On the drive home she decided that the next time she should attempt a haunted house is when she's 11. Agreed!

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