Saturday, August 30, 2014


Dunked them in egg/milk
Rolled around in hot skillet till nice and browned
Then rolled in cinnamon and sugar

Took them to Allen to taste test and he said it was definitely a Pinterest win.

So yummy!

Pinterest win or fail?

With Juliet at her friends house his morning I decided to have some fun in the kitchen. I had been wanting to try these Stuffed French Toast Rolls for awhile so here they are.

Bread with crusts cut off
Rolled thin
Spread cream cheese and stuffed with apple pie filling
Rolled them up


Juliet stayed at her BFF's house last night. We arrived a few minutes early so I snapped some pics while we waited for them.

Thursday, August 28, 2014


I've been subbing at the High School now and again. They called me last minute this morning to come sub in the medical class. Check out this creepy dude in the back of the class!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Juliet asked if we could put one of her little bday lego sets together tonight.

We went through the instructions together and she did almost all of it herself, she was very proud.

Lego digger complete!

Now she's ready to move on to the Lego Spider Man cycle that she got.

[I looked into the girly Legos they have but could not bring myself to purchase them. All they have are girls swimming with dolphins, running a soda shop, etc. As she looked at the pink Legos, I wandered to the next isle where the more "boy" oriented Legos are. WHOA, these are way cooler and way more exciting. Sold.

Not to say I won't buy her some of the pink ones in the future since they do have a lego barn with horses. But we definitely want her to use her imagination and build a rocket ship and space station, roller coaster or something super awesome like that first before letting her think pink is the only one girls can play with.]

Best for last

A last minute birthday gift showed up for me yesterday. Allen found these amazing heavy duty Star Wars art signs, and they are awesome.

We already have a place lined up in the basement to hang them.


It's hard to believe Allen and I have a five year old. It seems like just yesterday she was a tiny baby and we wondered what she would be like when she got older.

Now she's FIVE and we instead wonder how time flew by so fast.

It was a crazy, fun filled three-birthday week for us, ending with our sweet Juliet turning five.

Cheers to us and another awesome year with each other, and this amazing little person we created.

Happy Birthday to us.


By the time we were done feeding the ticket machine, we had almost 500!

After a few minutes everyone abandoned me to go play some more!!!

After Chucks, we headed over to SAMs Club for a quick round of bulk shopping. The girls lasted about 3 minutes before passing out in the cart. They slept the rest of the trip and all the way back home.

Who needs teeth anyway?

That's a lot of sugar!


What! A cotton candy machine-oh yeah!

Mommy and Daddy both stole a bite of that freshly spun sweetness!

Let the games begin!

The girls had a great time playing games and going nuts in the play area. We had to force them to stop for a few minutes to sit and eat!

Actual Birthday - More Fun

On Sunday we took the girls to Jonesboro so they could go to Chuck-E-Cheese. We got their early enough to swing by the mall and go to Target and Starbucks (Mamma was a happy camper).