Wednesday, August 13, 2014

House Woes

This is what we woke up to on Monday morning. It's a small utility room in the basement where as you can see, extra paint and misc boxes are stored. It's also where our laundry shoot let's out since it's right off the laundry room.

Imagine my surprise when I went to go grab laundry and it was sopping wet. It took me a minute to realize what had happened. Our air handler wasn't working properly and was leaking. Gulp.

This room itself was easily cleaned up, unfortunately tho, the water had seeped under the laminate flooring and as many of you probably know, once just happens, there's just not much you can do.

We put fans up everywhere to help dry it out and I patiently [impatiently] waited for the A/C man to show up late yesterday.

So, it was a hot and muggy few days, but we're back to being spoiled and comfortable and oh so cool! As for the floor, we'll be figuring that out soon.

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