Thursday, August 7, 2014

The Babysitter

Since we have now lost Ani a total of four or five times, I decided to go check to see if she was still around. Not sure where Momma got off to but when I looked under the porch, this is what I found.....Jabba the babysitter.

Just calmly sitting in the hole he dug to stay cool, watching over Ani. He's really turning into such a great dog.

Oh, and on the subject of losing Ani, I won't go into how many hours on multiple days in very high heat we spent separately and together looking for her [ok, I'm going I go into it a little], but here's the deal.

She would just randomly disappear. Momma wouldn't know where she was, we looked high and low and nothing. We figured each time that she either wandered off or feared the worst, that a predator had gotten to her.

Yet each time she would show back up and we would be amazed and baffled that we were unable to find her.

So today I did a stakeout. I watched Ani as much as I could, outside, through the window, constantly going out to check on her......nothing. Finally in the afternoon while watching Juliet play, I saw her wander off a bit. Then all of a sudden she was just gone. I yelled for Juliet to come help me find her-I knew the general area she was in so she had to still be there, tucked away somewhere.

Sure enough after kicking tubs, turning over all our gardening equipment and everything else I could find, I walked over to the garage door where some pallets were leaning. In the small area between those pallets and the door......was Ani. All tucked up tight, snug as a bug in a rug.

Ugg. Babies.

So now we know where she's hiding out if we can't find her. we can all rest a little easier tonight knowing her hideout spot and that Jabba is on the job.

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