Tuesday, August 5, 2014


So it wasn't enough that we lost Ani for a short time yesterday. Shortly after Allen and Juliet left this morning I went outside and noticed she was no where to be found. (We had just been playing with her).

I called and called and looked and looked. Crawled everywhere, checking under everything and rechecked under the coop.

I had to leave for a bit and hoped she would be back when I returned. She wasn't. I went into panic mode and went looking all around in the near forrest, near all fences, called out over and over and nothing. Padme was getting worried too and I pretty much feared the worst.

Then Allen came home, grabbed a big stick and started pounding around the porch to make noise. In less than 5 minutes....probably closer to 3, he found her under the back stairs leading down to the river. Did I mention that I looked for hours, got bit up by bugs, walked through a tick nest (NOT FUN AT ALL), cried for a good bit and he found her IN LESS THAN 5 MINUTES. Yup. That just happened.

So thank you to Allen, the hero of the day!

As Juliet said, "Momma can't find anything".

Yeahhhhhh, thanks. Lol.

So all is well again, here on on the Forest Moon of Arkansas.

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