Wednesday, August 13, 2014

One of those days

I had to hit the store and told Juliet that since we weren't in too much of a rush that we could go look through the toy section.
I think I've mentioned before that every now and again I will do this with her. It's painful and slow but by letting her stroll through the isles at her pace and touch and look at everything, she doesn't feel the need to HAVE everything or wonder what that super awesome blinking toy was that she didn't get to see.

Don't get me wrong, there are times when she sees something and asks if we can take it home, but I remind her that we only get to bring something home if it's maybe a Birthday or Christmas time and she's ok with that.

This also gives me a chance to see what things she's really drawn to, not just what she sees on TV and decides that she wants because a commercial told her to want it.

Anyway, it can sometimes be a total bore for me, but I really do enjoy watching her light up every time she finds something new or interesting to push/stretch/zoom or what have you.

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