Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!

Drink responsibly and be safe everyone. Most of all, Happy New Year, CHEERS!

Singing in the rain....

Juliet really wanted to play in the snow today but all we got was rain. We bundled up and went out anyway and though we got wet and soggy, we jumped around, got wet and had a good time.

I'm loving it!

Putting the new mixer Allen got me for Christmas to good use today. Baked an Angel Food Cake which is currently hanging upside down cooling, and then used the leftover yolks and made a new favorite, the golden yellow cake. Mmmm, mmmm, mmmmm!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Real Straight Shooter

Late this afternoon Allen and Alex braved the cold to shoot some rounds on the .22.

Friday, December 28, 2012


Late this afternoon it started to snow again. Really big, really fluffy flakes. I couldn't resist heading outside to take some photos and catching some flakes on my nose and my tongue.


Juliet had a quick afternoon play date today. Her friend received Hungry Hippo or Christmas and Once she got the hang of it, she did NOT want to stop playing.


Juliet has overtaken Sadie's bed to watch Beauty & The Beast. Guess I will have to make her a bed/floor cushion of her own.


Juliet has already asked if I would make her a pink bed :)

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Dog Day Afternoon

Our poor Sadie is getting old. Her hips and joints are tired and she lays down on any type of cushion or warm spot she can find.

Allen asked if I would make her a bed and though I had never done anything like that, I agreed.

I had the top fabric already from a project that never happened. On Black Friday I purchased some matching blue faux sued for the bottom and we had a bunch of old sleeping bags to use as stuffing. The biggest issue here was the zipper. I won't go into all the MANY MANY issues i had but working with that much fabric, and such heavy fabric was probably NOT the best first zipper project. But I dove in and was determined to make it work.

It took from the start of naptime till dinnertime but I finally did it, and Sadie is really enjoying her new bed.

Merry Christmas Sadie!

Change is good

We decided to move some stuff around and want to see how Juliet will do with her little kitchen in her bedroom.


Juliet wanted to make a Play-Doh caterpillar so we did that, then we made play-doh cookies.

Pretend Cookies!

Having fun with her new cookie set in her kitchen.
(Thank you Aunt Sue!)

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Sadie Girl

Sadie hurt her foot this morning playing out in the snow. We've been giving her a little extra attention and she is soaking it up.

After Allen put the pillow under her head and started petting her, Sadie instantly fell asleep and started snoring.

River Run

It looked too beautiful not to check out the river today so I bundled back up and trekked down to take some pictures.

It was beautiful but very cold. I took a nice set of pictures and decided it was time to make my way back up the stairs to the house. Hot coffee and lunch were calling my name :)

Rest Time

Juliet getting in some rest time with Alex and Alex resting with Athena.

Forcible snuggle

I had to force Juliet to take this pic but I was going to get one of us together in the snow!!!!

Then back inside after peeling off all our snow covered layers, red faced and happy we went to work on hot coco and resting.



Daddy got Juliet good with a snow ball! After a little crying and wiping her face off she retaliated with some snow of her own.

More F.U.N

Getting ugly....

It took a whole 5 minutes in the snow before Juliet was cold and wanted to come in.

Since she had spent the last hour begging to go out and it took 1/2 hour to get her dressed, we were going to stay out as long as possible. THIS IS FUN DARN IT!

Snow Day!

After getting Juliet all bundled up, we went outside to check on the animals and have some fun in the snow.