Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Stocking hung with care

Recently I was thinking about the Christmas stockings that my Grandma made for my brother and I. They were these wonderful crochet stockings and the more you put in them, the more it stretched out. My parents had a heck of a time filling those things every year, but they always did.

Nothing was more thrilling than waking up (insanely early) on Christmas morning and sneaking to the living room to see what Santa had left for us. After looking everything over, Jeremy and I immediately and quietly went to work pulling everything out of our stockings eating candy along the way and trying to contain our giggles so we wouldn't wake up Mom & Dad.

After thinking about that I realized Juliet didn't have a real stocking. We had a few fun ones from the last few years but not one that was really hers, like the one Grandma made for me (that I still have and still use).

I decided I was going to make her one. Yes, I was going to sew a stocking fit for our little princess! I had a old store bought stocking to use as a template and some beyond amazing Christmas fabric my Mom sent me. I was ready! I can do this!

It took me a few days, some of the seams don't match up and I had to pull it apart to fix it a few times, but it's finished...and I'm so happy.

It's big enough to fill with lots of goodies and hopefully she'll like it enough to want keep using it and make some of her own wonderful Christmas morning memories.

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